Solar Installation: Fort Riley, Kansas
Solar panels installed on housing at Ft. Riley in Kansas.
Fort Riley, located just west of Manhattan, Kansas, wanted to install solar panels for more than 1,700 units of on-base housing. These houses are home for thousands of service members in the 1st Infantry Division and their families at Fort Riley. They approached Cromwell Solar for help with this large-scale solar project, trusting our more than 40 years of experience in solar.
We added over 1,700 separate rooftop solar installations in two phases, providing millions of kilowatt-hours of electricity to households on the base, and saving taxpayers money.
After our first successful install in 2018, Fort Riley was so pleased with our work they called us back in 2021 to add even more solar panels on the base. This project, completed on time, was one of the largest solar projects of any kind in the region.
Fort Riley Solar Installation Details:
Location: Fort Riley, Kansas
System Scale: More than 1,700 rooftop solar systems.
Generation Capacity: Over 16,000,000 kWh per year
Environmental Impact: Produces enough energy to power 1,456 homes, or the equivalent of planting 6 million trees.